sui generis

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


sui generis

  1. ainutlaatuinen.

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sui generis, ainutlaatuinen In a class of its own; one of a kind.

Anyone who considers the Femmes sui generis has never listened to the Velvets.

The system was neither free enterprise nor socialism; it was sui generis, one of the unique creations of the Middle Ages.
1995, How To Do Things With Words, by J.L. Austin
We see him as he sees himself, surveying the invisible depths of ethical space, with all the distinction of a specialist in the sui generis.
puhekieltä By itself; of its own.

It is nothing to worry about sui generis, but in context of the other factors its alarming indeed.''

English sui generis


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